13 January 2011

Seven Mistakes To Avoid

Adopting a professional attitude at work
will earn you the respect
of your boss and your peers

When you step into your office
you are supposed to leave everything else behind
and put on a professional face.

Here are seven things
that you need to avoid at the workplace.

These will not only help you
make a good impression
but will also assist you
in advancing your career.

1-Extended breaks
One of the most annoying things
for other employees or for managers and supervisors
is employees taking extended breaks.
So what if you have a smoking habit
and you need to take a break to indulge in it?
What about those who do not smoke?
They will not appreciate it
if you take long breaks to smoke.
Also avoid taking extended lunch breaks.
More often than not, people use their lunch hour
to do personal work; but if you cannot finish a task
within this hour, do it on your own time.
Never extend your breaks.

Being late to work once in a while may be excused.
But what is not tolerated
is coming in late every day and leaving early.
This is unfair to those people
who come on time and leave on time.
Do not misuse work hours
unless you have a genuine reason for doing so
and one that can be excused.

3-Loud behaviour
People around you are trying to work.
They do not need disturbances like loud talking
or completely irrelevant discussions.
You are not only affecting their ability to work
you are not showing them respect.

4- Being untidy
You need to keep your workstation clean
and also the other areas
such as the cafeteria and conference rooms.
Would you like it if someone left used tissue
or scraps of food on the table in the cafeteria
you usually sit at?
Extend the same courtesy to other people
and clean up after yourself.

5-Personal issues
Everyone has family and commitments
but when you come to work
you need to leave those behind.
There are going to be times
when an emergency arises
but those can be dealt with.
If you have children or friends
who need to contact you at work
try to keep this to a minimum.
Don't keep taking personal calls at work
it will look like you are not
paying enough attention to your job.

6-Speaking your mind
You have heard the saying
"think before you speak".
You will have to bear the consequences
of the things you say.
So think before you speak at all times.

7-Do not be emotional
Do not express anger too vividly.
This is true for younger employees
who may have an ego issue.
Do not let your emotions affect career moves.

The Star 5/1/2009
Article by Tony Jacowski
Quality Analyst for The MBA Journal

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