Berita Terkini

16 MAY 2012

The Excellent Service Award 2011 Ceremony was officiated by Y.B. Senator Kohilan Pillay, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs. The ceremony was attended by Y.B. Datuk Richard Riot Anak Jaem, Deputy Ministers of Foreign Affairs, YBhg. Tan Sri Mohd Radzi Abdul Rahman, Secretary General of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, as well as 350 staff of the Ministry.

The Excellent Service Award is a form of appreciation by the Government to the civil servants who have delivered quality service and who can be exemplified by others in the Ministry. The award also acts as a catalyst to enhance productivity amongst the civil servants in the Ministry.

A total of 110 civil servants of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs received the award, of which 89 recipients were from Wisma Putra and 21 recipients were from the Embassies/High Commissions abroad. Recipients received a certificate and cash prize of RM1,000.

Y.B. Foreign Minister in his speech delivered by Y.B. Senator A. Kohilan Pillay, urged the staff to think outside the box, to be creative and innovative and to strengthen their skills through continuous learning and knowledge. This in turn will help transform the public service towards achieving the country’s goal of becoming a developed and high-income nation. He also emphasised on the aspects of discipline and integrity, a quality that each and every staff should possess in order to determine the success of an organisation.

Ministry of Foreign Affairs,

16 May 2012